DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-78Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Repair
Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Repair
The following procedures p rovide a means of isolating and c orrecting faults on
both the packet b us and the various maintenance ob jects that use the packet
bus. The packet bus is shared by all circuit p acks that communicate o n it, and a
fault on one of those can disrupt communications over the packet bus.
Furthermore, a circuit pac k that does not use the packet b us can also cause
service disruptions b y impinging o n the backplane or otherw ise modifying the
configuration of the bu s. (this is discussed in more detail later). For these
reasons, isolating the cause of p acket bus failure can b e complicated . This
discussion provid es a flowchart and desc riptions of the tools and p rocedures
used to isolate and correc t packet bus faults.
This discussion is organized into the following sections whic h provide
background infor mation and troubleshooting p rocedures. The Packet Bus Fault
Isolation Flowchart is intended to b e the normal starting po int for isolating and
resolving packet b us problems. Before using it y ou should familiarize yourself
with packet bus maintenanc e by reading the int roductory sections.
‘‘Remote Maintenance versus On-Site Maintenance’’disc usses the
strategy and the requirements for p erforming remote maintenance a nd
on-site maintenance for the pac ket bus.
‘‘Tools for Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Correction’’ d iscusses the tools
that are needed to isolate and c orrect packet b us faults.
‘‘What is the Packet Bus?’’ describ es the packet bus, its use in G3r, and
the types of faults that can occ ur on the packet bus . A diagram shows the
physical and log ical connections b etween circuit pac ks connected to the
packet bus.
‘‘Circuit Packs That Use the Packet Bus’’ desc ribes the various circ uit
packs, ports, and endpoints that use the p acket bus. The section
discusses how these maintenanc e objects interact, how a fai lure of one
maintenance object c an affect another, and failure symp toms of these
maintenance objects.
‘‘Maintenance of the Packet Bus’’ describ es the strategy of maintenance
software for packet bus. Similarities and differences between the p acket
bus and the TDM Bus are discussed . An overview of the Fault Isolation
and Correction Procedures is also p resented.
‘‘The Maintenance/Test Circuit Pack (TN771)’’ disc usses the use of the
Maintenance/Test circuit pack in b oth packet bus fault isolati on and other
switch maintenance. The standalo ne mode of the Maintenance/Test circuit
pack, which is used to perform on-site pac ket bus fault isolation and
correction, is discussed in detail.