DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1272PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
Active-Standby Peer Link Test (#888)
The Active-Standby Peer Link Test is only run in a system equipped with the Hig h
Reliability or Critical Reliability Config uration. It verifies that the Peer Link can be
set up between the active a nd standby SPEs. The Peer Link is a link set up
across the Packet Bus between the Packet Inter face circuit pac k on the active
and s tand by SPEs. I t is use d for forwa rding data and c ontro l mess ages b etwe en
the ac tive and st andb y SPE in p repa ratio n for a p lann ed SPE in terch ange . This
test not only checks the operat ion of setting up a Peer Link but it also verifies that
the active and standb y Packet Interface circuit p acks can communicate ov er the
Packe t Bus.
This test is run against the standby Packet Inte rface circuit pac k although it
checks functionality on b oth the active and stand by Packet Interface Circuit
1096 FAIL The Packet Interface circuit pack on the standby SPE has bad Translation RAM
locations. A MINOR alarm is gener ated when the number of b ad locations is
from 1 and 4. A MAJOR alarm is generated if the number of bad locations is 5
or more. The MAJOR alarm prevents a planned SPE interchange. (A planned
interchange may be a dministered to occ ur automatically every 24 hours or it
may be requested by using the reset system interchange command.)
1. If a MAJOR alarm is associated with this error, replace the alarmed Packet
Interface circuit pack.
2. If a MINOR alarm is associated with this error, replace the alarmed Packet
Interface circuit pack at a time that would cause the least disruption to
PASS The SPE is able to communicate with the Packet Interface circuit pack. If
problems are still reported on the circuit pac k, check for failures using the
Private Looparound test (#885) and Maintenance Looparound test (#886).
Table 9-501. TEST #887 Read and Clear Board Counters — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page