DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-699DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
The Duplication Channel (DUP-CHL) maintenance ob ject tests both UN330B
Duplication Interface circuit packs a nd the interconnecting cable. These tests, as
a group, test end-to-end functionality. That is to say, software on the standby and
the active as well as both dup lication circuit p acks and their cab ling must be
operational to some degree for thes e tests to PASS or FAIL. Otherwise, they will
ABORT. Tests that fail are recorded in the error and alarm log as errors/alar ms
agai nst th e stan dby SPE. No er rors/a larms are re cord ed ag ains t the a ctiv e SPE
for this maintenance objec t.

Duplication Interface Functions

The Duplication Interface is c omprised of two UN330B circ uit packs, one in each
of the dup lica te SPE ca rrier s, co nnec ted b y a si ngle Dupl icat ion In terfa ce c able .
The ci rcui t pac ks an d ca ble p rovi de th e foll owing func tion s to su ppo rt SPE
Memory Shadowing
Every write to memory made by the ac tive SPE is also written into the
standby SPE memory. Only those memory writes to addresses that lie
within certain address b oundaries, as defined by memory bounds
registers on the Duplication I nterface circuit pac ks, and other qualified
writes are shadowed.
SPE Communication
Softwa re runn ing o n the a ctiv e SPE com munic ates with s oftwa re on t he
standby SPE by sending and receiving information via the two way,
general purpose mailb ox mechanism provid ed by the circuit packs.
Manua l SPE Loc king
The Duplication Interface Circ uit packs monitor the relative
state s-of- healt h of th e two SPEs , and cont rol sel ecti on of a ctiv e/sta ndb y
status for them.
SPE Selec t ion
The SPE-Sel ect s witc hes on the Du plic atio n Inte rfac e circ uit p ack s can be
used to loc k the acti ve SPE and prev ent in terc hang es. See STBY-SPE for
MO Name (in Alarm
Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run Full Name of MO
DUP-CHL MAJOR test duplicati on -interface l c Duplication-Interfac e
DUP-CHL MINOR test dup lication-interfac e l c Dup lication-Interface