DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-316status tti
Task State:
One of the following:
generating TTI ports
removing TTI ports
not active
completed - all ports translated
The last execution of the backg round task completed normally.
completed - some ports not trans
The task completed due to reso urce exhaustion with some ports left
TTI State: offThe TTI feature is not enabled.
voice, dataThe type of TTI ports that are being generated or removed
# of Boards
Completed: Number of TTI-supported cir cuit packs that have b een processed b y the
background maintenance task.
A “completed ” circuit p ack has either had all its unad ministered ports
translated as TTI ports or its TTI ports have been removed a nd are now
unadministered ports.
# of Boards
Left to
Number of TTI-supported c ircuit packs that have not yet been processed
by the backg round maintenance task.
Complete: A ratio of the of number of circ uit packs comp leted to the total number.
Time Since
Elapsed time in hours:minutes:second s since the TTI background task
was started.
This field is blank if the task is not ac tive. If the task is completed or
suspended, this field displays the elapsed time up to when the job
finished or was suspende d.