DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-9Software updates
The following step will
result in the service
effects described
above. upgrade
software to-version
10 Use the new software version number
described above. The system will reboot
the st andb y SPE, re load tran slati ons, a nd
then e xecu te an SPE i nter chan ge. Re sults
of each step in the upg rade process an d
initialization diagnostic s will be displa yed
on the terminal.
Be careful not to touch the G3-MT
keyboard while waiting for the
command to execute, or the result
messages may be lost.
Log in on the G3-MT.
status spe 5 Repeat this command until the states o f
healt h of b oth SPEs a re
reset spe-standby 4 5 This step initiates a reboot of the stand by
SPE with t he new softw are l oad.
status spe 15 Repeat this command until the states o f
healt h of b oth SPEs a re
change sys-par maint 2 Set the Save Tran slation, Alarm Or igination
Acti vated , CPE Al arm L evel, SPE
Interchange fields an d Daily Scheduled
Maintenance times to the values that were
in effect before starting this p rocedure.
save translation both 2 This step stores the upgraded translations
on both disks.
backup disk 20 This step makes a backup c opy of the new
files. The next run of scheduled
maintenance will also do this. If a
coredump from b efore the upgrade is on
disk, this can take up to 50 minutes.
test stored-data 10 This step verifies that all MSS files are
consistent. The next run of scheduled
maintenance will also do this.
list config soft long 5 Verify that all files are correct.
Table 6-2. Software UpdateDuplicated SPE — Continued
Step Time
(min) Remarks
Continued on next page