DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-727DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
and released, or if some other recent maintenance was performed on the
stand by SPE, it ma y take up to 10 mi nutes for t he sta ndb y SPE to b e
refreshed. Use status spe to determine if State of Health:
functional for the Mode: standby side is displayed.
If handshake is down, contin ue with step 5.
If the Standby State of Health is other than functional, c ontinue with
step 2.
If the Standby State of Health is functional, enter the c ommand
reset system interchange.
If the SPE inter chan ge o cc urred ,
replace the standby
DUPINT using the replacement proced ure for the standby
If the SPE inter chan ge d id not oc cu r
continue with step 2.
2. If the re are no ma jor al arms aga inst M EM-BD , PKT-IN T, SYSAM,
H-ADAPTR, or SW-CTL, continue with step 5 in this proced ure.
3. If MAJ OR alar ms c anno t be r esolv ed f or MEM- BD, PK T-INT, SYSA M,
H-ADAPTR, or SW-CTL using their associated maintenanc e procedures,
escalate the problem. These MAJOR alarms must b e resolved before
continuing with DUPINT and DUP-CHL Maintenance.
4. If any MAJOR alarms were resolved for MEM-BD, PKT-INT, SYSAM,
H-ADAPTR, or SW-CTL using their associated maintenanc e procedures,
test DUPINT and DUP-CHL again: use busyout spe-standby followed by
test duplication-interface long clear and see if any tests fail. Enter
release spe-standby.
If any test fails, continue with step 5 in this procedure.
If all tests pass, wait up to 10 minutes and enter status spe to
determine whether Standby Refreshed? yes and State of
Health: functional are displayed for the standby SPE.
If the above are not displayed ,
go to Step 5 of this proced ure.
If the above are displayed ,
enter the command reset system
If this interchange was not succ essful, continue with step 5
in this procedure.
If this interchange was succ essful, use the busyout
spe-standby command followed b y the test
duplication-interface long clear command and see if any
tests fail. Execute release spe-standby.
If all tests pass,
the duplication cha nnel has b een
successfully tested in both directions and this procedure is
If any test fails
, replace the standby DUPINT using the
previous replacement p rocedure for the standb y DUPINT.