DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Initialization and Recovery
4-10SPE-Down Command Interface
SPE-Down Mode
Severe problems with components of the SPE may render a non-duplicated
system incapable of c all processing and other normal operations. When this
happens, the system enters SPE-down mode and software is no longer in control.
If the SPE is du plic ate d, th is si tuati on onl y oc curs when
SPEs have fatal
fault s. Oth erwis e, if one SPE g oes d own, an int erch ang e will occ ur an d the
syste m will run o n the n ewly a cti ve SPE.
SPE Locked Standby or Standby SPE-Down
The SPE-d own in terf ace can b e use ful w hen re pair ing a stan db y SPE on a
duplicated system. For example, if handshake commun ication is down, this is the
only w ay to c omm unic ate wi th th e stan db y SPE. Or, if a c ircu it p ack o n the
standby has been rep laced, this interface allows you to test both that circuit p ack
and t he res t of th e sta ndb y SPE bef ore un loc king .
When the standby SPE on a duplicated system is d own, or locked b y means of
the SPE-Select switches, it is no longer in communication with the active side,
and the system is functionally und uplicated. In this stat e, the normal
Maintenance User Interface is unavail able to the standby SPE. You can use the
SPE-down interface to test the standby SPE and verify its health before rebooting
or unl ocki ng. A test o f all SPE board s tak es on ly a sh ort ti me and ens ures t hat al l
prob lems have b een fixed and the SPE i s read y to r eturn to se rvic e.
Bringing Up the SPE-Down Interface
When SPE-d own m ode is in e ffec t, th e red LED wil l be lit on the Pro cess or c ircu it
pack and the system will p resent the following message:
An alarm-notification call alread y in progress will preemp t input from the terminal.
When the call is completed or dropped, the system displays the results of the c all
and a welcome message with one of the following promp ts, indicating whic h SPE
is currently connected to the terminal.
*********** SPE DOWN MODE *************
SPE_A_DOWN> If SPE-A w as ac tive when t he sys tem we nt
SPE_B_DOWN> If SPE-B w as ac tive when t he sys tem we nt
SPE_DOWN> If the SPE is unduplicated