DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-351test maintenance
The following display shows a typ ical result when test link 1 long is entered.
test maintenance
test maintenance [C] [short | long] [repeat # | clear] [schedule]
The test maintenance command p erforms hardware diagnostic tests on a the
SYSAM (PPN) and EPN M ainte nanc e circ uit p acks .
On the SYSAM, thi s com mand tests system maint enanc e, AC TIVE and STANDBY
terminal ports, and the SYSAM refresh, dual port RAM, system reset and sanity
timer funct ions. On the SYSAM, the long test s equen ce re sets th e cir cuit p ack ,
termi natin g any l ocal or remo te SYSAM l ogin s. To see if the la st 2 tes ts pa ss, yo u
must log in again. The Outpulse Relay Test and the Analog Loop Around Test are
not ru n on the stand by SYSA M in a d upli cate d SPE.
On EPN Maintenance circuit pac ks, the MT interface, EI link, reset and sanity
functions are tested. The long test resets the EPN Maintenance c ircuit pack,
causing a local EPN Maintenance log in to drop.
The cabinet number defaults to 1. Carrier a or b must be specified only for PPN
cabinets with dup licated SPEs.
The following display shows a typical result when test maintenance a is entered.
test link 1 long SPE B
Port Maintenance Name Alt. Name Test No. Result Error Code
01C2001 PGATE-PT 5464 610 ABORT 1000
01C2001 PGATE-PT 5464 611 ABORT 1000
01C2001 PGATE-PT 5464 599 ABORT 1005
01C2001 PGATE-PT 5464 613 PASS
01C2001 PGATE-PT 5464 614 ABORT 1
01C2001 PGATE-PT 5464 976 FAIL 2
01C2001 PGATE-PT 5464 977 FAIL
Command Successfully Completed