DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1519STO-DATA (Stored Data)
Save commands
Whenever a save translation or announcements is executed, the files on d isk
are newer than the files on tape until a backup disk is per formed either by
command or by d aily scheduled mai ntenance. If test stored-data is run before a
backup, Tests #833 and #834 will fail with error cod e 1 or 8, generating a warning
alarm against STO-DATA. Once a disk backup is perfor med, running the stored
data tests will clear the alarm. A c opy command c an be used instead of b ackup
to save time; take extra care to enter the right op tions so good files are not lost.
When save translation tape or save announcements tape is executed,
timestamps on the tape files will be n ewer than those on the disk files. (This is the
opposite of normal oper ational sequences.) These command s should not be
used as part of standard administration or repair proc edures. When the files are
in this state, automatic or demand incremental backup s from disk will be
prevented from overwriting the tap e files, and subsequent STO-DATA tests will
fail, generating warning alarms.
Save to tape commands may b e useful when the disk has failed and th e tape is
being used temp orarily for primary storage. Onc e the disk is replaced , restore
disk can be used to rec oordinate the files.
Dirty Files
Two copies of each file are stored on each MSS devic e. This protects against
data loss in case a failure occ urs while data is being written. If such a failure
occurs, or if a tape c artridge is pulled out of the drive while data is b eing written
to it, the incomplete file is marked as a ‘‘dirty’’ file. The system will then use the
other copy for reading data and will generate a minor alarm against TAPE or
DISK. AS long as one of the copies is clean, STO-DATA tests will test the clean
copy and not repor t any errors.
Tape Replacement
Tape cartridges are periodi cally replaced (for exam ple, after a TAPE warning
alarm with error type 2305, indic ating that 90% of its useful life has been
exceeded). Until a full d isk backup is p erformed, the new tape will b e
inconsistent with the disk.
Inconsistent Files: Solutions
The best way to clear STO-DATA alarms is to perform a save translation or
announcements (if those files are affected), followed b y a backup disk. Daily
scheduled maintenanc e also performs this sequenc e. There are unusual
situations in which other actions are req uired. If problems exist on the TN750
Announcement circuit p ack, avoid saving an nouncements until resolving those
problems. Otherwise, good copies of the files could be overwritten by b ad ones.