DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-11ADM-CONN (Administered Connection)
ADM-CONN (Administered Connection)
An administered connec tion provides an end-to-end connection between two
access endp oints or data modules on either the same or d ifferent switches. The
connection is automatically esta blished when it is administered and scheduled to
be active.
An error is logged whenever an a dministered connecti on fails or cannot be
established. Failures to establish a c onnection generate an error whether they
occur on an initial try, a retry, a fast retry, a redial or an auto-restoration. A failed
connection generates an er ror whether or not the connection is subs equently
reestablished by fast retry, redial, or auto restoration.
An alarm is logged whe n an administered connec tion cannot be established
either initially or after failure of a connection. Both the alarm leve l (none to major)
and a failure threshold can b e administered for each ad ministered connection.
An alarm is raised when either of the following occurs:
The number of consecutive failed attempts to establish a connec tion
reaches the administered threshold .
Software determines that failure to establish a con nection is due to a
mistake in administration. See Table 9-5.
Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command to Run Full Name of MO
or WARNING status administered-connection N 1
1. Where N is an administered connection number indicated in the PORT field of the Alarm or Error Log.
Administered Connection
Table 9-5. Administered Connection Error Log Entries
Error Type Aux
Data Associated
Test Alarm
Level On/Off
Board Test to Clear
0, or 29 Any None Any OFF None
1, or 28 (a,b) Any None Any OFF None
2 (c) Any None Any OFF None
6,21,31, or 127(d) Any None Any OFF None
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