DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-61change system-parameters maintenance
Translation This field indicates on whic h days translation data in memory will
automatically be saved to the Mas s Storage System disk and/or tape
devices during scheduled main tenance. The save operation is first
made to disk, followed b y a disk backup to tape. On systems with
dup lica ted SPEs , tran slat ion d ata is saved on b oth SPEs. Valid entr ies
are daily, days of the week, or no. "No" specifies that no automatic
saves are to be executed. (daily)
Each port network has a pair of TDM busses called A and B, eac h of
which has a set of time slots ded icated to use by the c ontrol channel.
At any one time, the control channel in e ach PN is carried on only one
of the two busses. This field indic ates on which days the c ontrol
channel in each port networ k will be switched from one o f the paired
TDM busses to the other. Valid entries are daily, days of the week, or
no. "No" specifies that no interchange be e xecuted. (no)
On High and Critical Reliab ility systems, this option ca uses a
Tone-Clock interchange in eac h port network with duplic ated
Tone-Clock circuit pac ks. Each port network interchanges into the
standby Tone-Clock for 20 sec onds and then bac k to the Tone-Clock
that was originally active. This field ind icates on which d ays the
interchanges are to take plac e. Valid entries are daily, days of the
week, or no. "No" specifies that interchanges b e executed. (no)
The system performs a Tone-Clock interchang e, making the stand by
Tone-Clock active. The newly active Tone-Clock c ircuit pack is tested
and, while active, provid es system clocks for the port network in which
it resides. The system then interchanges b ack to the originally ac tive
Tone-Clock circuit pac k.
Interchange On systems with duplicated SPEs, this field indicates on which d ays an
SPE inter chan ge wi ll be exec uted dur ing s ched ule d mai ntena nce.
Valid entries are daily, days of the week, or no. "No" specifies no
scheduled interc hanges. (no)
for TTRs
When the number of touch tone receive rs (TTRs) in service falls below
this number (4 to 200), a WARNING alarm is raised against TTR-LEV.
These are also known as dual-tone multifrequenc y receivers (DTMRs).
There are 4 TTRs on each TN748, TN718, TN420, or TN756; TN2182
and TN744 (suffix C or later) each have 8 TTRs. To alarm the first
occurrence of a TTR being taken out of servic e, set this field to the total
number of TTRs in the switch.
Table 8-7. Schedules and Settings for Maintenance Tests — Continued
Continued on next page