DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-690DS1 CONV-BD
Board Options Audit (#795)
This test is non-destructive.
This test sends the administered c ircuit pack op tions to the DS1 CONV circuit
pack. Options are sent to b oth DS1 CONV circuit packs at the same t ime to
prevent any transitional mismatch of op tions.
The following data is sent to the TN574 DS1 CONV circuit pack: system reliab ility
configuration, master and slave end-points for framing (this is determined b y the
relati ve p ositi on of t he c ircu it pa ck to the SPE) , the f aci lity m ask (i f eac h fac ilit y is
installed), clock referenc e mask (whether each facility c an be used as a cl ock
reference source and whether the b oard is being used as a Network Timing
Source), packet comp atible mask (whether each fac ility is packet com patible)
and facility information for line c oding, framing mode, and line comp ensation.
The following data is sent to the TN1654 DS1 CONV circuit pac k: system
reliability configuration, m aster and slave end-po ints for framing (this is
determined by the relative p osition of the circuit p ack to the SPE), the facility
mask (whether each facility is installed ), idle cod e, CRC enabled/disabled flag
(sent in E1 mode only) and facility inform ation for line coding and line
compensation (sent in T1 mode only).
BOARD The system software found no board.
1. Reset the board.
2. Remotely retry the command.
Table 9-266. TEST #790 DS1 Facilities Connectivity Loopback Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page