DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-817EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
This test requires that the Expansion Interface circ uit pack first be b usied out. If
the system has a duplic ated Port Network Connectivity, this test cannot be run on
an Expansion Interface circuit p ack that resides on the current ac tive PNC due to
restrictions that prohibit the b usying-out of certain c omponents that are part of
the active PNC. If this test is run on an Expansion Interface c ircuit pack that is
part of the Standby PNC, this test is not des tructive and no service outag es will
take place.
In a system without duplica ted Port Network Connectivity, where this Expansion
Interface circuit p ack supports a PPN to EPN link, this test will disrupt servic e to
one EPN (Direct Connect) or all EPN s (Center Stage). If the Expansion Interface
circuit pack is part of an EPN to EPN link in a Direct Connect system, service
between the two EPN s will be disrupted .
This is a two part connectivity test. In the first part of the test, a dig ital count is
transmitted from the cabinet of the Exp ansion Interface circuit p ack under test,
through the Expansion Interface c ircuit pack under test, out to its lightwave
transceiver. The connection then loop s back into the lightwav e transceiver
through the same Expansion Interface c ircuit pack again and into the originating
cabinet. If the test tone is d etected by a tone dete ctor, the first part of the test
passes. The path used for this p art of the test is represented in Figure 9-44.
In the second part of the test, a data packet is sent from the TN1655 Packet
Interface circuit p ack to the Expansion Interface c ircuit pack under te st, the
packet is looped back through the lig htwave transceiver and is sent bac k to the
Packet Interface circuit p ack. If the Packet Interface c ircuit pack receives the
same packet it transmitted , the second part of the test p asses. If the entire test
has passed, the Expansion Interfac e circuit pack , its backplane wiring and the
electrical portion of th e lightwave transceiver are healthy.
The path used for this test if the Expansion Interfac e is located in the PPN is
represented in Figure 9- 45. The path used for this test if the Expansion Interface
is located in an EPN is represented in Fi gure 9 -46.
When the Expansion Interface circuit p ack under test is in an EPN, the data
packet must also pass throug h the Active Expansion Interface c ircuit packs and
the Active DS1 CONV circuit packs (and the Active Switch Node Interface c ircuit
pack(s) in a Center Stage Switch system) of th e Active PNC link connecting the
EPN to th e PPN.
This test requires the Expansion Interface circ uit pack to ignore inc oming data
from its neighbor Expansion Interfac e circuit pack or Switch Node Interface
circuit pack. Thus this test wil l disturb any inter-port network c onnections that
currently exist over the link provide d by the Expansion Interface und er test and
its neighbor and d isrupt signaling b etween the two circuit pac ks.