DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1553SW-CTL (Switch Control)
signals and not by a Switch Control failure. If the system is not equipp ed
with the High Reliability or Critical Reliability option, or if the Switch c ontrol
circuit is on the active processor, use the test switch-control command
to test the Switch Control.
In a system is equipped with duplicate d SPEs and the hardware error is
reported against the Switch Control on the standby processor, use the
following procedu res. The Control Channel Transmission test which
detected this error c annot run on the Switch Control circuit on the standb y
SPE sinc e the Sw itc h Cont rol c ircu it on t he sta ndb y SPE is n ot all owed
access to the TDM bus. Therefore if the system is equi pped with
duplicated SPEs and if this error is associated with the Switch Control
circ uit o n the s tand by SPE, t he er ror was det ecte d whi le the Switc h Cont rol
circuit was running on an ac tive SPE.
To allow the Control Channel test to run on this circuit, it will be necessary
to initiate an SPE interchange, using the proced ures described b elow. This
action should only be take n during a time that would c ause the least
service disruption si nce exiting calls ma y disconnect if a failu re detected
on the newly active Switch Control circ uit causes a spontaneous switc h
back to the other SPE. If this possible action is
acceptable, f irst verify
that no TDM bus problems are detected when the test TDM 1 command is
entered and then replace the MSSNET circuit pac k on the standby SPE. If
TDM problems are detected, refer to the TDM-BUS maintenance
documentation to clear thos e problems.
1. Initiate a test of the Switch Control circuit on the stand by SPE using
the test switch-control C long command (where C rep resents the
carrier location of the stand by SPE) to make sure no other failure
conditions can b e detected. If failures are d etected, use the
diagnostic informati on associated with those tests to c lear the
failure before proceeding.
2. Ini tiate an SPE int erch ang e usin g the reset system interchange
command. This should be d one at a time that would cause the leas t
service disruption since a fault may still exist on the MSSNET circuit
pack. If the system reset command fails, refer to
Failure of Planned Interchange
in Chapter 5 for further actions.
3. Enter the test switch-control command for the Switch Control now
on the active SPE and verify that the Control Channel Transmission
test ( #94) p asse s. If a fail ure oc cur s, an autom atic SPE inter chan ge
may occur. If an interchang e back to the origi nal SPE occurs,
replace the MSSNET board on the standby SPE and go back to
step 1 above. If other failures are detec ted, use the repair
procedures associat ed with those tests to clear the failure.
c. A 1 50 err or ind ica tes th at a SPE in terc hang e oc curr ed an d th at the Switc h
Control circuit on the MSSNET circuit pack was the cause of th e
spontaneous interchange.
1. If other SW-CTL errors are present, investigate those errors