DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-140list history
All information in the transaction log is saved on tape as translation d ata when
the save translation command is p erformed (LIFO order). A system reset of
level 3 or higher (COLD 1 and reboots) saved translations and the transac tion log
are read from tape. In this way, the translation data and the data in the
transaction log will remain c ompatible.
The translation log is written to tape as translation data when the save translation
command is executed .
Translation data is time stamped when saved on tap e. This time stamp is noted
when translation is loaded from tap e and included in all recent change histo ry
When a user requests a recent change history rep ort, there could be other users
concurrently issuing d ata commands and altering the contents of the transaction
log. Therefore, if the user pages the entire way throug h the report, the oldest
entries in the transaction log may have b een overwritten by data c ommands
issued by these other users. Should this oc cur, the final entries of the repor t will
show the data commands whi ch have been issued b y these other users since
the recent change history rep ort was originally requested .
Use of the maintenance command “set time” to alter the system c lock could
make it look as if the recent chang e history report is not in true LIFO order.
A maximum of 250 commands are stored in the transaction log.
The date listed in the header, refers to the last da te on which a reset level 3
(COLD-1 restart) or greater took place.
This date is not updated
translation is saved manually by c ommand, or automatically by scheduled
daily maintenance. Thus, it is usually
the date of the current translations.
Date of Loaded Translation:
Date The date the command was issued . Format “mm/dd” wh ere “mm” is the
month and “dd ” is the day.
Time The time the command was issued. Format “hh: mm” where “hh” is the hour
and “mm” is the minute.
Port The port field indicates the p ort type to which the user was c onnected when
the command was issued .