DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-127list configuration
list configuration
list configuration hardware-group [print | schedule]
The list configuration software-version command is discussed
separately under its own head ing.
Hardware configuration repor ts list, for each circuit p ack in the group sp ecified,
the type, code, suffix, and vintage of the requested circuit packs as installed in
the switch, and all por ts assigned to the circ uit pack.
Enter one of the following hardware groups.
all—Specifies the display of all circuit packs administered and/or
physically inserted in port, switch node and control carriers on the entire
Specifies the display of all assigned ports on the circuit
pack specified by cabinet, carrier and slo t.
Specifies the display of all circuit pack s and assigned p orts on
a specified c arrier.
control—Specifies the displa y of all circuit pack s located in the control
Interface Link Identifies the physical link carrying this proc essor (virtual)
channel. Links numbered 1 throug h (4 times the number of PI
circuit packs) for the si model can be either x.25 or tcp/ip. The
rest of the links (up to 25) must be tcp/ip.
Interface Chan Identifies the BX.25 virtual channel numb er or the TCP/IP listen
port channel to carr y this processor (virtual) chann el. The channel
number 0 means any port c an be used. Valid entries for link type
x.25 are 1-64; for Ethernet or ppp, 0, 5000-64500.
Destination Node Identifies the switch or adjunc t at the far end of this link. Enter an
adjunct name, switch name, far en d IP address, node ID, or leave
blank (default) for services loc al to this switch.
Destination Port Identifies the port numb er of the destination. The number 0 means
any port can be used . Valid entries are 0 (default), 5000-64500.
Session Local Field ported forward from R6.
Session Remote Field ported forward from R6.
Mach ID Field ported forward from R6.