DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-806EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
When testing Expansion Interface circ uit packs to investigate p roblems, tests
should always be run on bot h circuit packs on the ass ociated fiber link, whether
the circuit pac ks are both Expansion Interface circ uit packs, or one is a Switch
Node Interface circ uit pack. This will provide a b etter indication of where a
problem is located .
When testing of the EI is not possible, (for examp le, when the EPN is down), see
the EI Manual Loopback Procedu re above.
Expansion Interface Neighbor Query Test (#237)
This test is non-destructive.
The Expansion Interface Neighbor Quer y Test is a request to an Expansion
Interface circuit p ack to determine if it has estab lished communication with its
neighbor Expansion Interfac e or Switch Node Interface c ircuit pack.
Expansion Interface Packet Interface Test
(#589) XX ND
1. D = Destructive, ND = Non-d estructive
Table 9-308. TEST #237 Expansion Interface Neighbor
Query Test
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1033 ABORT The Expansion Interface circuit pack does not have a fiber link administered to
it. There is not sufficient data to run test.
1. Issue the list fiber-link command to verify that there is no fiber link
administered to this circuit pack.
2. If there is no fiber administered to this circuit pack, b ut there should be add
the correct fiber using the add fiber-link command.
3. Retry the command.
Continued on next page
Table 9-307. System Technician-Demanded Tests: EXP-INTF — Continued
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence Reset Board
Sequence D/ND1
Continued on next page