DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1585SYNC (Synchronization)
Bus Clock Circuit Status Inquiry test) passes successfully. If Test
#148 fails with an Error Code 2 through 32, refer to “TDM-CLK” to
resolve the problem. If not, continue wit h the following steps.
Duplicated Tone-Clock circuit packs in the master por t network:
Switch Tone-Clock circuit packs on the master p ort network via the
set tone-clock UUC command.
Switch Tone-Clock circuit packs on the master p ort network via the
set tone-clock UUC command.
For simplex Tone-Clock circuit packs in the m aster port network:
this is not a Stratum 3 system, replace the prima ry and secondary
(if administered) DS1 Interface c ircuit packs.
4. Investigate any other SYNC or STRAT-3 errors.
g. This error indicates that the Expansion Inter face circuit p acks are
experiencing timing slips. This error will increase the bit error rates for data
transmission between port networks. The Expansion Inter face circuit
pac ks wit h tim ing s lip s have EXP-INTF e rror 2 305.
1. Check the LEDs on the active Tone-Clock circuit p acks in the
system and verify that the system is p roperly synchronized.
2. Verify that all the TDM/LAN Bus cables on the backp lane are
marked WP-91716. Also for a Multi-Carrier Cabinet (MCC), chec k
that the bus terminator type is a ZAHF4 TDM/LAN.
For a Single Carrier Cabinet verify that the bus terminator typ e is a
3. Check for timing loop s, and resolve any loops that exist.
4. Check the Error Log for any active as well as resolved Expansion
Inter fac e cir cuit pac k err ors an d ref er to EXP- INTF (Ex pans ion
Interface Circuit Pack) Maintenanc e documentation to resolve any
errors found.
Duplicated Tone-Clock circuit packs in the slave por t networks:
Switch Tone-Clock circuit packs in the slave p ort networks
where EXP-INTF er ror 2305 also oc curs via the set
tone-clock UUC system technician c ommand. The error
count for this particula r error should start decrementin g once
the problem is solvedif the count d oes not decrease in 15
minutes the problem still pe rsists.
If the problem still persists, swit ch the Tone-Clock in the
slave port network back to the previous configuration . Then,
perform a PNC interchange via the reset pnc interchange
If the problem still persists, swit ch the PNC back to the
previous configuration v ia the reset pnc interchange
command. Then, switch the Tone-Clock circuit p acks in the
master port network via set tone-clock UUC.