DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
The TN1656 Tape circuit pack is part of the Mass Storage System (MSS). The
MSS provides non-volatile storage for system software, translation d ata,
announcement data and p rogram update d ata. As shown in Figure 9-102, the
MSS consists of a Host Adapter circ uit on the UN332 MSS-Network Control
circuit pack (M SSNET), a Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) bus, a
TN1656 Tape circuit pack and the TN1657 Disk Drive c ircuit pack. The Disk Drive
acts as the primary storag e device. The Tape Drive serves as a backup device
and as a removable medium for sy stem data.
The system is usually booted from the b ootimage stored on disk. The save
translation and save announcements commands save to disk the
memory-resident translation data and TN750-resident announcement data,
respectively. The backup disk command copies data from the d isk to the tape
for backup storage. The restore disk command cop ies data from the tape bac k
to di sk. Al l MSS c ompo nents resid e in t he SPE, or PPN co ntrol carr ier (c arri er A
for a s impl ex SPE, c arri ers A a nd B f or a d upl icat ed SPE).
The Tape circuit pack contains SCSI bus terminators, a -48V to +12V powe r
converter, an industry standard SCSI based Tape Drive, an d interface circuitry to
the private bus to control the L EDs, detect the presence of the c ircuit pack, and
identify the vintage of the hardware.
A -48V to +12V converter circuit on the Tape circuit p ack provides p ower for both
the Tape Drive and the Disk Drive. The presence of +12V on these circ uit packs
is monitored separately by main tenance software so that a failure of the +12V
converter on the Tape circuit pack c an be identified or ruled out as the source of
the problem when the Disk Drive loses + 12V power.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to
1. In a system with a simplex SPE, the carrier need not be specified. In a system with
duplicated SPEs, carrier a or b must be speci fied.
Full Name of MO
TAPE WARNING test tape a|b long MSS Tape circuit pack
TAPE MINOR test tape a|b long MSS Tape circuit pac k
2. This alarm occurs when the system undergoes a reset of level 3, 4, or 5, and the switch
cannot load translation from tape; it also occurs when a program update c annot be
applied. See the Error Log Table, error type 3585.
test tape a|b long MSS Tape circuit pack