DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-212set tone-clock
Input Form
An input form with the following field s is displayed. The current time, or d efault
time will be displayed in the fields.
set tone-clock
set tone-clock UUC [override]
On port networks with dup licated Tone-Clocks, this command is used to select
which of the two Tone-Clock circuit pac ks is to be active.
In EPNs, the A-carrier Tone Clock is the


Tone-Clock. It is always active
unless a failure, maintenance testing, o r use of this set command has ca used an
interchange to the B-carrier Tone-Clock. If you have used th is command during a
maintenance session, set the EPN Tone-Clock back to the A carrier when you are
finished, assuming it is healthy. Tone-Clock interchanges exec uted by schedu led
daily maintenance cause th e standby to become ac tive for 20 seconds and then
interchange bac k to whichever Tone-Clock was originally active.
Cabinet number defaults to 1.
Day of the Week: Valid entries are Monday through Sunda y.
Day of the Month: 1-31 are valid entries. A chec k for leap year is also made.
Month: January through December .
Year: The year must be saved as translation data a nd passed to the
kernel whenever kernel memory is corrupted (system reboot or
cold I restart), or the data is c hanged.
Hour: 0-23 are valid entries.
Minute: 0-59 are valid entries.
Second: This field is reset automatically and c annot be altered.
set time Page 1 of 1
Day of the Week: _________ Month: _________
Day of the Month: __ Year: ____
Hour: __ Second:
Minute: __