DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1596SYS-PRNT (System Printer)
Procedures for Restoring the System Printer Link
1. Determine the status of the System Printer Link via the status sp-link
command. Verify that the System Printer Link is not busied out for
maintenance. This is indicated by a no in the Maintenance Busy? field.
If the System Printer Link has been busied out, issue the release sp-link
command. If the link is down, proc eed to Step 2.
2. Issue the display system feature command to d etermine the location of
the System Printer Link.
Enter the status data-module <extension> command and verify that the
data extension is in-service/id le. If the data extension is
available, refer
to the Port field. Look for errors and/or alarms on t he circuit pack with
which this extension is associated . Follow repair instructions for the
appropriate MO. Continue with Step 3.
3. Verif y the a vaila bili ty of t he ext ernal SYS-PRNT out put d evic e. Ma ke sur e
that the output device is


and ready-for-service. Chec k the physical
conn ecti vity b etwe en the Data M odul e and the SYS-PRN T outp ut de vice .
4. Verify that there is at least one system port available. The System Printer
Link can not be establishe d unless there is a system port availab le. Refer
to “PDATA-PT” for more information on system ports.
5. If the problem is not found in the ab ove steps, chec k the system port for
any problems. Refer to “PDATA-PT” for descrip tion about system port and
its connectivity.
It should be noted that when resto ring the System Printer link it is necessary to
execute tests on different maintenanc e objects that comp rise the System Printer
link. It is recommended that yo u busy out the System Printer link before trying to
restore the link. When the System Printer Link is busied out, all System Printer
Link maintenance actions are dea ctivated, and interferenc e with tests of other
MOs is prevented.