DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures

9-1600SYSAM (Circuit Pack)

SYSAM (Circuit Pack)

The Syst em Ac cess and M ainte nanc e (SYSAM) circ uit p ack , TN164 8:

Is a re quire d co mpon ent of the SPE Co mple x
Monitors the sanity of the RISC Processor circuit pack and environmental


Provides the serial interface for the G3-MT terminal and the

communication interfac e to INADS or other service locations for alarm

reporting and remote maintenanc e capability

Provides the Time-Of-Day Clock for the system.
FAIL The System Printer Link CANNOT be established.
1. Refer to the ‘‘Procedures for Restoring the System Printer Link’’ se ction for
recommended maintenance strategy.
PASS The System Printer Link is up.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run1
1. UU is the cabinet number (always 1, not required). C is the carrier designation (a or b ). With
simpl ex SPE the c arrie r loc ation i s not re quire d. Wit h dup licat ed SPEs, c arrie r a or b must b e
Full Name of MO
2. After a spontaneous SPE interchange has occurred, the Alarm Log retains for three hours a
record of any MAJOR ON-BOARD alarm against an SPE component that took place before
the int ercha nge. If a sp ontane ous int erch ange h as occ urred (as i ndic ated b y STBY-SPE er ror
type 103 or the display initcauses screen), and handshake is down, (check with status spe),
replace the alarmed circuit pack on the standb y SPE. If handshake is up, execute a test long
clear of the alarmed circuit pack and follow recommended p rocedures.
test maintenance UUC l System Acc ess and
Maintenance circuit pack
SYSAM MINOR test maintenance UUC s System Access and
Maintenance circuit pack
SYSAM WARNING test maintenance UUC s System Access and
Maintenance circuit pack
Table 9-603. TEST #215 Link Retry Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page