DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-43busyout link
busyout link
busyout link link#
The busyout link c ommand puts a spec ified Packet Gateway link in a
maintenance busy state. (See Busyout and Re lease Commands at the
beginning of this c hapter). A link may also b e busied out with busyout port us ing
the address of the PGATE port that supports the link.

Busyout of a link drops all c alls and packet traffic dependent on that link.

The application, adjunc t, or switch connec ted to the link will be

inaccessible and the link will have to be reestablishe d later when returned

to service. See status link for more details on links.

For more information see the following sections at the b eginning of this c hapter:
Busyout and Release Commands, Common Inp ut Parameters, and Common
Output Fields.
busyout spe-standby
busyout spe-standby
The busyout spe-standby com mand lowers the Software State Of Health of the
stand by Sw itc h Proc essin g Elem ent ( SPE) kep t by the st andb y Du plic ati on
Interface (DUPINT) board to the lowest possib le level above non-functional. This
diminishes the chance tha t an interchange will occ ur, but does not g uarantee
that an interchange will not occ ur. This command also turns off memor y
shadowing. Periodic an d scheduled testing

are not

turned off on busied out
objects, but warning alarms with error 18 are generated .
Busyo ut of t he st andb y SPE is allow ed if com munic atio n to t he sta ndb y is d own
(handshake failure), but the state of health may n ot be lowered. Use status spe
to de term ine th e con dit ion of the SPE a fter t he bu syou t has b een enter ed.
When a b usyo ut of the st and by SPE is per forme d, t he sof tware stat e of he alth o f
the standby SPE is set to the lowest possible level and memory shadowing is
turned off. This is done to lessen the prob ability that the system will switch to the
standby SPE. However, in some cases a “spontaneous” (hard) interchang e of the
SPEs may still occur.
Link# A number (1-16) assigned to the link on the Communication-Interface Li nks