DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-12Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification
Test Call is still administered. If you do not want to force the user to
acknowledge, set the field to n. This field appears only if the Facility
Test Call Notification field is set to y.
12. Decide whether or not to leave the d efault of yes (“y”) in the Remote
Access Notification? field. If you retain the default, the user rec eives
notification at logoff that remote acc ess is still administered. If you d o not
want the notification to appear, set t he field to n.

To Leave Remote Access feature administered after logg ing off

poses a significant sec urity risk if you are using the feature in

conjunction with the Facility Test Call feature.

13. Decide whether or not to leave the d efault of yes (“y”) in the Remote
Access Acknowledgment Required? field. If you retain the default,
the user is required to acknowled ge that they wish to logoff while remote
access is still adminis tered. If you do not want to force the user to
acknowledge, set the field to n. This field appears only if the Facility
Test Call Notification field is set to y.
Screen 3-5. Login Administration
Changing a Login’s Attributes
To change a customer login’s attribut es you must be a super-user, have
administrative permissions (sp ecifically, the Administration Permission
field must be set to y for the super-user), and :
1. Enter the change login [name] command to acces s the Login
Administration form.
Password of Login Making Change:
Login’s Name:xxxxxxx
Login Type:
Service Level:
Disable Following a Security Violation?
Access to INADS Port?
Login’s Password:
Reenter Login’s Password:
Password Aging Cycle Length:
Facility Test Call Notification? y Acknowledgment Required? y
Remote Access Notification? y Acknowledgment Required? y