DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-907HYB-LINE (Hybrid Line)
HYB-LINE (Hybrid Line)
Hybrid Line is another term for the Multi-Func tion Analog Telephone (MFAT). The
Hybrid Line set is also known as an SCS (Small Communications System).
The TN762B Hybrid Line circuit pac k supports eig ht of these multifunction
analog telephone sets. The Hybrid Line sets use three pairs of wires: an analog
voice pair, a transmit/rece ive pair, and a power p air.
This section describes HYB-LINE (Hybrid Line) maintenance. HYB-LINE
maintenance is closely related to, and sometimes interact s with, HYB-BD (Hybrid
Line circuit pac k) maintenance. This interaction should be kept in mind when
troubleshooting Hybrid Line problems.
This section occasionally refers to a s tation’s service state. These service states
are defined as follows:
Use status station to determine terminal servic e state. Status is reported as
either out-of-service, in-service, or d isconnect. The latter is equiv alent to the
ready-for-service state.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command to Run1
1. UU is the universal cabine t number (1 for PPN, 2 - 44 for EPN s). C is the carrier desi g nation
(A, B, C, D, or E). SS is the number of the slot in which the circuit pack resides (01 to 21). p p
is the two digit port number (01, 02, ...).
Full Name of MO
HYB-LINE Minor test port UUCSSpp l Hybrid Line
HYB-LINE Warning test port UUCSSpp l Hybrid Line
Out-of-Service The port, and thus the station, have been removed from
service. A busyout of a p ort will cause it to be
Ready-for-Service The port on the circuit p ack has been put into s ervice,
but the voice terminal has not yet established signaling
communications with the por t.
In-Service The voice terminal has established signaling
communications with the por t, and the system is ready
to process calls to and from that station. A terminal in
the ready-for-service state will p rogress to the
in-service state if it is functionin g normally, but it can
also be forced into the i n-service state if it goes