DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-336test eda-external-device-alrm
physical location In addition to entering the word “physical” th e system technician
must specify the physic al location. For an administered exter nal
device alarm analog line p ort, a “physical loc ation” represents the
physical position of the p ort to be tested and is entered as
UUcSSpp where “UU” represents th e cabinet number (1-MAX_
CABS), “c” represents the carr ier, “SS” represents the slot p osition,
and “pp” repr esents the circuit.
Since the “maintenance bo ard” alarm connection s connect to
control carrier board s that are in unnumbered slots, the standard
port format cannot be used to designate these alarm c onnections.
The special ports UUmajor and UUminor a re used designate the
major or minor maintenance board alarm connection for c abinet UU.
The special locations UUmajor and UUminor designate the
name of the major or minor maintenance circ uit pack alarm
connection for cab inet UU (depends up on the auxiliary
connector of the Port Network). Thus, both a “maj or” and
“minor” port c an be administered with major, m inor, or
warning alarms.
The “all” location is used to test all administered external device
alarm ports on analog line b oards and maintenance b oards.
repeat number The “number” spec ifies how many times the “test physic al location”
is to be repeat ed. “Number” may be any integer between 1 and 100.
clear This option causes the test sequenc e (short or long) to repeat until
the alarm (if one exists against the MO) is c leared or a single test in
the sequence fails. If no alarms are reg istered against the
maintenance object then the test sequence will be exerc ised only
schedule When the “schedule” op tion is specified, th e command is validated
and then a scheduling form is displayed to allow the technician to
schedule execution of the command. The command is then p laced
in the command queue and is executed at the spec ified time. The
information displayed by the command is sent to the s ystem printer
instead of the screen. Refer to the Report Sched uler and System
Printer feature specifications [ 1] for more details.