DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1006MAPD-BD (MAPD Interface Circuit Pack TN802)
If there is no reply:
a. Check that the internal cab les on the TN802 circuit pack (No tes 4
and 6 in Figure 9-57) have not worked loose.
b. Otherwise, replace the c ircuit pack.
3. At the command promp t, type ping (the internal IP trunk
server address) and p ress Enter.
If configured correc tly, the system displays:
Reply from nnn.nn.nn.nn: bytes=32 time <##ms TTL=###
If there is no reply:
a. Check that the internal cab les on the TN802 circuit pack (No tes 4
and 6 in Figure 9-57) have not worked loose.
b. Otherwise, replace the c ircuit pack.
4. At the command promp t, type ping (the IP address of the
internal Motorola MPC860 processor) and press Enter.
If configured correc tly, the system displays:
Reply from nnn.nn.nn.nn: bytes=32 time <##ms TTL=###
If there is no reply:
a. Check that the internal cab les on the TN802 circuit pack (No tes 4
and 6 in Figure 9-57) have not worked loose.
b. Otherwise, replace the c ircuit pack.
5. Ping the gateway: at the command prompt, type ping XX.XX X.XXX.XXX
(the IP address of the gateway) and press En ter.
6. When finished, at the command p rompt type exit and press Enter.