DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-971ISDN-TRK (DS1 ISDN Trunk)
ISDN Test Call Test (#258)
This test performs a far-end loop around to a far-end switch over a n ISDN trunk.
The trunk’s service state must be in-service , maint-NE, or out-of-service/NE, and
no call can be ac tive on the trunk. The test call can b e initiated as part of a long
test sequence , or as an indiv idual test, as described below. This t est is valid only
for systems using country p rotocol 1 (including US), or when the far end has
loop-around capability.
A test call connection is es tablished to a far-end switc h over the ISDN trunk to be
tested. The digital por t on a TN711D Maintenance/Test circuit pack gene rates a
test-pattern bit stream which is sent to the far-end switch and echoed bac k. The
received pattern is then compared to the sent pattern and checked for errors that
indicate a loss of integri ty on the communications p ath.
If a test call is running when sc heduled maintenance s tarts, the green LED is
turned off. To determine if a test call is still running, use the list isdn-testcall and
status isdn-testcall commands. A lit yellow LED on the Maintenanc e/Test circuit
pack also indic ates that a test call is running.
PASS This switch sent a call state auditing message to the far-end switch to verify the
state of the call active on this trunk. If a call state mismatch is found, then the
call will be torn down within two minutes. If no call was active, then no message
was sent.
Table 9-374. TEST #257 Call State Audit Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page