DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-309status synchronization
The following display shows a typical result when status switch-node is entered.
status synchronization
This command lists the synchronizatio n source for the system.
Mode The mode is the current role of the switch n ode carrier. A mode of
"active" means the SN is providing normal circ uit and control functi ons
for PNC. A mode of "standby" means the SN is ready to become activ e,
but is currently not activ e. If blanks are displayed it means that PNC is
not duplicated.
Alarms The number of major alarms logged against the switch node c arrier that
is being displayed.
Alarms The number of minor alarms logged against the switch node c arrier that
is being displayed.
Alarms The number of warning alarms logg ed against the switch node carrier
that is being displayed.
Active SNC
Location The physical position of the ac tive switch node Cloc k circuit pac k, per
administration, represented as "UUcSS." "UU" represents the cabinet
number, "c" represents the carrier, and "SS" represents the slot position.
If an SNC is administered but not inserted, "no board" will be displayed.
Standby SNC
Location The physical position of the stand by switch node Clock circuit p ack,
per administration, represented as "UUcSS." "UU" represents the
cabinet number, "c" represents the c arrier, and "SS" represents the slot
position. Blanks will be displayed if there is no standby switch node
Clock for a given switch no de. If an SNC is administered b ut not
inserted, "no board" will be displayed.
Action/ Object Qualifier Qualifier Description Permissi o ns Defaults Feature
status synchronization
none none
status switch-node 1 page 1 of 1
switch node STATUS
Major Minor Warning Active SNC Standby SNC
Switch Node Location Mode Alarms Alarms Alarms Location Location
1 A-PNC 01E active 0 0 0 01E10 01E12
1 B-PNC 01D standby 0 1 2 01D10 01D12