DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-188reset system interchange
conditions may prevent a req uested reset. If the reset fails and the messag e
displayed is not self-explanatory, use status spe to determine what caused the
reset system interchange
reset system interchange [health-override][contention-override]

Although this command i s normally not disruptive, cer tain conditions may

escalate the interchange to a higher reset level.

This command is used to switc h control from the currently active SPE to the
standby. This type of interchange i s called a planned , soft, demand or requested
interc hang e. In terch ange s cau sed b y har dware fault s or th e SPE-Selec t
hardware switches are called spontaneous or hard interchang es. Planned
interchanges are disc ussed under:
SPE Duplication in Chapter 1, ‘‘Maintenance Architec ture’’
Executing a Planned Interchange in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and
STBY-SPE in Chap ter 9
This op erat ion is not d isrup tive i f the s tate o f heal th of t he sta ndb y SPE is
“functional.” If this c ondition is not met, system software will normally ab ort a
requested interchang e. When this is the case, the health-override option c an be
specified to try to force a


(hard) interchange.

Use of health-override may cause serious service disruption.

Once a planned interc hange has been initiated, it c annot be aborted with the
CANCEL key. A reset system interchange command will abort for the following
If the stand by SPE is down
If the SPEs are lo cked by m eans o f the SPE- Select switc hes
If co mmuni catio n to th e stan dby SPE is not poss ible ( hand shake is do wn)
If sha dowi ng to t he sta ndb y SPE is no t turn ed on
If the stand by SPE is not fu lly re freshe d
If the State-of-Health of the standby is not “fun ctional”
There is an SCD dual-port RAM failure
If there is any Mass Storage System activity