DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-789EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
Active EI circuit pac ks:
Have th eir yellow LED on solid (for an inter-EPN EI in a direct
connect system) o
Blink a pattern of 2 seconds on and 200 ms off.
The standby PNC EI circuit packs sh ould have their yellow LEDs off.
Another way to determine which PNC (and t herefore, which EI(s) in a port
network) is active and whic h is standby, use the status port-network and status
PNC commands.
See Table 9-304 for the possible EI yellow LED states.
a. This flashing state corresponds to error codes 769 and 770 from the
Hardware Error Log and indicates a failure of Test #238. These error codes
are usually accompanied by error code 1281 (no Expansio n Interface or
Switch Node Interface detec ted on opposite end of fiber). This condition
may be caused b y the absence of the neighb or Expansion Interface or
Switch Node Interface c ircuit pack, a broken or m issing fiber, or a missing
lightwave transceiver on either end point (Expansion Interface or Switch
Node Interface circ uit packs).
b. This corresponds to error c ode 1281 from the Hardware Error Log and
indicates a failure of Test #237. This condition is usually d ue to the failure
of this Expansion Interface circ uit pack or a failed Expansion Interface or
Switch Node Interface c ircuit pack counterp art.
c. This is the normal state for an Active EPN Expansion Interface circ uit pack
that is also the bus master (Expansion Archang el) in the EPN.
d. This is the normal state for an Active Expansion Interfac e circuit pack that
is not the bus master (Expansion Archangel) for an EPN. This applies only
in the direct-connec t configuration where the Expansion Interfac e circuit
pack in an EPN is connected via a fiber link to an Expansion Interface
circuit pack in the other EPN. This state also applies for an active
Expansion Interface circu it pack located in the PPN.
Table 9-304. Expansion Interface Circuit Pack Yellow LED Flashing States
Condition LED On LED Off
Fiber Out-of-Frame (a) 0.1 second 0.1 second
In frame-No Neighbor (b) 0.5 second 0.5 second
Expansion Interface Active (c) 2 second 0.2 second
Expansion Interface Active (d) solid on never off
Expansion Interface Standby (e) never on solid off