DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1493STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
The general principles of SPE duplication, including t he following topics, are
discussed in Chapter 1:
Standby Maintenance Architec ture
Standby State-of-Health and Availability
Handshake Communication
Memory Shadowing and Refresh
Maintenance Software
Standby Initialization
Trouble shoot ing a dup lic ated SPE, and rep laci ng SPE c omp onent s, are
disc usse d in Chap ter 5 . The SPE-D own or SPE-Loc ked inte rfac e is d isc usse d in
Chapter 4.
Maint enanc e of the st andb y SPE is o rga nized arou nd th e STBY-SPE
maint enanc e ob jec t. It r elies on d ocum entat ion o f the o ther SPE m aint enanc e
Once a general SPE problem has been is olated to the level of one of these
individual pac ks, the service documentation for tha t MO should be consulted . It
is the responsibility of stand by SPE maintenance described here to keep the
standby SPE fully available for an interchange.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run Full Name of MO
STBY-SPE MAJOR test spe-standby l Standby SPE Maintenance
STBY-SPE MINOR test spe-standb y l Standby SPE Maintenance
STBY-SPE WARNING test spe-standby l Standby SPE Maintenance