DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1431SNI-BD (SNI Circuit Pack)
3. Circuit Pack Administration: All of the b oards in the switch node c arriers
must be administered.
4. Fiber-link Administration: The fibers between the TN570s and the TN573
(or TN573 to TN573) must be administered via the add fiber-link
command. If the system is be ing changed from a simp lex PNC
configuration to a duplicate PNC configuration, the change fiber-link
command can be used to administer the b-pnc fib er link endpoints on the
existing fiber links. A DS1C converter c omplex is added to a fiber link via
the add fiber-link command also.
5. PNC duplication is enabled via the change system-parameters
duplication command.
Clear Firmware-Counters Command
SNI firmware generates error reports autonomously. This takes plac e
independently of tec hnician-demanded tests. Therefore, the test board UUCSS
clear command will not affec t the error status reported by firmware. The clear
firmware-counters command will clear all firmware-generated er rors
The clear firmware-counters UUCSS command sends a d ownlink message to
the SNI circuit packs, c ausing them to clear out their firmware error c ounters and
failure databases. Once the fi rmware failure database is cleared , the failure audit
test (#777) will pass. If problems still exist, t he firmware will increment its error
counters and the failure audit test will begin failing ag ain.
This command should not b e used as a replacement for the rep air procedures
associated with the hardware error log entries. This command may be useful if a
problem has been fixed and off-board alarms assoc iated with the problem are
still active.