DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures

9-1269PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)

since the number of bad translations RAM locations indicates b ad locations that cann ot be u sed. For a Pac ket In terfa ce Ci rcuit Pack on the ac tive SPE, information about the number of b ad Translation location is sent to maintenance software as an in-line error from the circuit pac k so it is not necessary to read a counter locat ion.
Table 9-501. TEST #887 Read and Clear Board Counters
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1137 ABORT Packet Interface circuit pack is in the out-of-service state so normal
maintenance tests will not run on that circuit pack.
1. Request a Packet Interface circuit pack reset using the reset
packet-interface CS command. Refer to the Packet Interface Reset Test
(#889) maintenance documentation for repair procedures.
1338 ABORT The test is not allowed to run since a planned SPE interchange is in progress. A
planned interchange may be caused by 24 hour scheduled testing. During this
time the terminal will be held out of service but it should recover automatically
after 3 minutes.
1. Wait 3 minutes and retry the command.
1339 ABORT The test could not run on the standby Packet Interface circuit p ack because the
stand by SPE is unavail able.
1. Refer to the STBY-S PE maintenance documentation for information on why
a standby SPE may be unavailable and what repair actions should be
taken. The status spe screen should indicate that handshake is down. This
may be caused by a variety of reasons such as the setting the
SPE-SELECT switches on the DUPINT circuit packs to the position of the
activ e SPE, a fai lure of t he DUPIN T circu it pac k, or l oss of p ower o n the
stand by SPE, The
SPE Select ed fie ld
on the status spe screen will display
spe a
spe b
if the SPE-SELECT switches are in the a or b position,
1347 ABORT The test could not run because refresh of the standby SPE’s memory is not
1. Enter status spe and verify that refresh is not complete. Wait until the
status screen indicates that refresh is complete and try the command
again. The status screen should indicate that shadowing is on. If some
event such as a major alarm on a Packet Interface circuit pack on the
standby SPE causes shadowing to turn off, refresh cannot complete and
abort code 1350 will be returned when the test packet-interface command
is entered.
Continued on next page