DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
LED Interpretation
7-14LEDs on Standby Components
Packet Bus status. Table 7-5 illustrates the Maintenance/Test yellow LED states
as they apply to Packet Bus ac tivity.
LEDs on Standby Components
In high reliability and c ritical reliability option systems, duplicated components
that are on standby will usually have their yell ow LEDs unlit, with the following
The Maj or, Mi nor a nd War ning alarm LEDs o n the SYSA M cir cuit pac k on
the standby SPE do not give reliable ind ications. Pay attention only to
those LEDs th at are on the acti ve SYSAM c irc uit p ack.
The yellow LED will blink on and off when the standb y Processor circuit
pack is up and standby maintenance is running.
Table 7-5. TN771D Maintenance/Test Yellow LED States
LED State*
*. It takes 5 to 10 seconds for the yellow LED to respond to a change in the state of the
Packet Bus.
TN771D Mode Condition
Solid off Normal The Maintenance/Test c ircuit pack
detects no Packet Bus faults.
Solid on
†. Bec ause the yellow LED on the Maintenance/Test c ircuit pack c an also be on steady
when the digital and analog test ports on the circuit pack are in use, exact
interpretation of the yellow LED may require that the technician busy out the analog
and digital test ports or examine the error and Alarm Logs for PKT-BUS errors and
Normal The Maintenance/Test Packet Bus
port has successfully reconfigured
the Packet Bus around a fault.
Flashing (1 Hz) Normal The Maintenance/Test Packet Bus
port is unable to rec onfigure the
Packet Bus around a fault.
Solid off Standalone
‡. “Standalone” refers to the TN771D’s capab ility to operate autonomously as a
troubleshooting aid. A detailed descrip tion of the TN771D standalone mode is
provided in the ‘‘Packet Bus Faul t Isolation and Repair’’ sec tion of Chapt er 5,
‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’.
The Maintenance/Test detects no
Packet Bus faults.
Solid on Standalone This condition cannot normally
occur. The LED is always either off or
blinking in standa lone mode.
Flashing (1 Hz) Standalone The Maintenance/Test Packet Bus
port detects a Packet Bu s fault.