DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-244status conference
Drop Reason
Endpoint Clearing received from DS1 - the d isconnect came from the
endpoint. The endpoint notifie d the MCU that it intended to d isconnect.
Far-end Clearing received from DS1 - the disconnect c ame from either
the network or the endpoint.
Handshake Either framing was never found (the endp oint could not
complete initialization - p roblems finding Frame Alignmen t Signal (FAS),
Multi Frame Alignment (MFA) and getting a c orrected cod ed cap-set) or
framing was lost for some time (over 40 second s) and the endpoint was
disconnected .
IDtimeout The MCU has not received response to the UIN/password
Query from the H.320 user after three attempts. Each attemp t has a
system administered timeout p eriod.
Internal MCU has a problem allocating trunk resources necessary to
route the dial-out call for the sp ecified dial-numb ers. This problem can
be associated with routi ng pattern or trunk associated translation (for
example, TAC specified in the dial-out number or routing p attern points
to a trunk group without members) , or it can indicate a lac k of trunk
resources (for example, all trunk memb ers are maintenance busy or all
in-service members are b usy on a call).
Network Clearing received from DS1 - the d isconnect came from the
network. The endpoint that had the d isconnect notification c apability
disconnected without notifying the MCU.
Not-MCU The dial-out destination number(s) of the “CAS” extension has
terminated to a number that is not a d ial-in cascade MCU ext ension.
No-ring This dial-out drop reason oc curs when the call has been up
for 30 seconds and no ring ing is detected.
Reorder This dial-out drop reason oc curs when the MCU detects that
there are no available trunks in the network to p lace the call. This drop
reason is detected b y MCU CPTR resources. See “Dial-out” for a
description of CPTR usage.