DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-505DIG-LINE (Digital Line)
j. This is the code that is generated when the link between the circ uit pack
and the voice terminal is suc cessfully reset. No craft ac tion is necessary.
k. No terminal is connected to the Digital Line board. No maintenanc e action
is required.
l. An uplink message has bee n logged ind icating that the Electric Power
Feed (EPF) is on with no load on it. No action is necessary.
m. The circuit pack’s messag e buffer is full. This may be caused by having
many display phones with h eavy traffic connected to the circuit pac k. No
action is necessary.
n. Internal system error. No action is necessar y.
o. Ther e is a p rob lem wi th th e voic e ter mina l EEPROM. Wh en the voic e
terminal is repaired the alarm will b e resolved with the passing of time.
System Technician-Demanded T ests: Descripti ons
and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the table b elow. By clearing
error codes associated with the

Voice and Control Channel Local Looparound

Tes t ,
for example, you may also clear errors g enerated from other tests in the
testing sequence.
Digital Terminal Remote Looparound Test (#1201)
This te st ch ecks the c onne ctio n bet ween t he SPE and the d igi tal te rmin al and the
ability of the terminal and the assoc iated port to send and receive data. This test
is based on proc edure 622 to isolate digital ter minal problems.
A request is presented to the term inal to go into loopbac k mode. Data is sent to
the terminal and when received b ack, checked for consistency. This test is run as
a part of the "test long" procedure. It is not inc luded in any error rec overy strategy
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence D/ND1
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestruc tive
Digital Terminal Remote Looparound Test (#1201) X D
Voice and Control Channel Local Looparound Test (#13) X ND
Digital Line NPE Crosstalk Test (#9) X ND
Digital Line Electronic Power Feed Test (#11) X ND
DIG-LINE Station Lamp Updates Test (#16) X X ND
Station (Digital) Audits Test (#17) X X ND