DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-725DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
6. Verify that the standby is up. Regular flashing of the yellow LED on the
Processor circuit pack ind icates that the standb y SPE is up and cycling. If
the ye llow L ED is no t flas hing afte r 5 min utes t est th e stan dby SPE by
using the lock-and-p ower-down proced ure described in Chapter 5.
7. With the standby SPE still busied out to prevent an interchang e, unlock the
acti ve SPE by movin g the SPE Selec t Swit ches bac k to th e Aut o pos ition .
8. Use the status spe command to verify that handshake is up . Wait up to 10
minutes for handshake to come up .
9. If status spe shows MAJOR alarms, enter the display alarms command
for category spe. Resolve alarms for maintenance o bjects other than
STBY-SPE, DU PINT an d DUP- CHL fi rst.
10. Execute the test duplication-interface long clear command to resolve
the DUPINT and DUP-CHL alarms. If any test aborts, but none fail, run this
test again at 1-minute intervals up to a maximu m of 5 times, until all tests
If no DUPINT or DUP-CHL tests failed, the DUPINT and DUP-CHL
alarms are resolved or cleared in this active to standby direction.
Continue with step 11.
If any DUPINT or DUP-CHL tests failed, and the standby DUPINT
has been replaced, b ut the active DUPINT pack has
replaced, replac e the active DUPINT using the proced ure in the
following section.
If any DUPINT or DUP-CHL tests failed, and
DUPINTs have
been replaced, b ut the DUPINT interconnecting cab le has not been
replaced, replac e the DUPINT interconnecting cab le using the
replacement proced ure for the DUPINT interconnecting cab le.
If any DUPINT or DUP-CHL tests failed, and both DUPINT circuit
packs and the interc onnecting cab le have been replaced , escalate
the problem.
11. Release the standby SPE from the busyout using the release
spe-standby comm and a nd wa it ab out 10 minut es for the s tand by SPE to
be re freshe d. I f the s tand by SPE fa ils to refre sh, as obse rved with status
spe, follow normal escalation proc edures.
12. If the SPE Sta ndb y State -of-H ealth is fu ncti onal a s obs erved with status
spe, enter the reset system interchange comm and . With t his SPE no w
active, execute busyout spe-standby and use test duplica tion-interface
long clear to test the Duplication Channel in the other direction.
If all tests pass, continue with step 13.
If any test fails, and the currently
DUPINT circuit pack has
not already been replac ed, replace it now b y starting at the
beginning of this p rocedure. This circuit p ack has passed tests
while on the active carrier, b ut is still the most likely circuit p ack to
be faulted, espec ially if DUP-CHL tests are failing.