DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-703DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
a. Reported by software on the standb y via the handshake mechanism. This
error indicates that software on the stand by has seen the HFAIL bit
become set on the standb y Duplication Interface circuit pack. The setting
of the HFAIL bit is an indication that an error in the multip lexing of the
address and data by the Duplication Interfac e circuit pac ks has occurred.
Three reports of this bit being set will result in a MAJOR alarm that can
only be cleared over time (i.e. with in 15 minutes of the final report) or by
using test duplication interface long clear. Recommendat ion for repair
(only if an alarm is raised): Replace Duplication Interface c omponents
start ing w ith th e stan dby D upli cati on Int erfac e ci rcuit pac k. Use SPE
Duplication Channel Compon ent Replacement procedures at the end of
this DUP-CHL section.
b. Reported by the software on t he standby via the handshake. This error
indicates that the software on the stand by failed tests with one or more of
the registers located on the stand by Duplication Inter face circuit pac k.
The following Error Types are used to specify the register tests that fa iled:
Three reports of this error will result in a MINOR alarm that can only b e
cleared over time (within 15 minutes of the final rep ort) or by using test
duplication interface long clear. Follow the repair proced ures listed in
note a above.
c. Reported by the software on the stand by the handshake mechanism. This
error indicates that the software on the stand by failed the Local
Loop-Around test on the standby Duplication Interface circ uit pack. Three
2561(d) any Status Register
Comparison Test (#980) MAJOR ON test dupl l
2817(e) any none MAJOR OFF test dupl l c
1. DUP-CHL alarms can be resolved only when the alarmed Dup lication Interface c ircuit pack is i n th e
standby SPE carrier.
2. Run the Short Test Sequence first. If all tests pass, run the Long Test Sequence. Refer to the
appropriate test description and follow the recommend ed procedures.
1 Control Register Test
2 Shadowing Bounds Register Test
4 Type/Suffix/Vintage Register Test
3, 5, 6, 7 Additive c ombinations of the above
Table 9-272. Duplication Channel Error Log Entries — Continued
Type Aux
Data Associated Test Alarm
Board Test to Clear Value
Continued on next page