DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1626SYSTEM (System)
g. A reset system interchange health-override command has failed. The
standby SPE state-of-health (SOH) would not allow a spontaneous SPE
interchange. Use status spe to d etermine t he cu rrent SPE statu s and
follo w the St andb y SPE Ma inten ance proc edu res to resol ve the prob lems
that are preventing the SPE interchange.
h. A r eque sted SPE inter chan ge ha s fai led b eca use th e SPEs are lock ed b y
means of the SPE-Selec t swi tch es on t he du plic ati on int erfac e ci rcui t
pac ks. wi th the SYSAM lo ck sw itch es.
i. Error 6001 indicates that an op erating system error occurred on the active
SPE. The aux data gives the source of the error:
j. Err or 600 2 ind icat es th at an a ppl icat ion er ror oc cur red o n the acti ve SPE.
See note (o) to diagnose the error using the aux d ata.
k. Err or 600 3 ind icat es tha t an a ppl icat ion al arm o ccu rred on the acti ve SPE.
See note (o) to diagnose the error using the aux d ata.
l. Error 6100 indicates that an op erating system error occurred on the
standby SPE. See error 6001 (i) to interpret the aux data.
m. Error 6102 indicates that an ap plication error occ urred on the standby
SPE. See note (o) to diagnose the error using the aux data.
n. Error 6103 indicates that an ap plication alarm occ urred on the standb y
SPE. See note (o) to diagnose the error using the aux data.
Aux-Data Value Operating System Error Type
5 Software Abort
6 SPE Bus Error