DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Initialization and Recovery
4-17SPE-Down Command Interface
2. As soon as initialization diagnostic s begin to app ear on the screen,
disconnect the MT cab le from the STANDBY connector on the control
3. Return the SPE-SELECT switches to their previous locked p osition.
When the standby is back u p and cycling , the yellow LED on the Processor
circ uit p ack w ill be gin f lashi ng. It is the n safe to unlo ck th e SPE-Selec t swi tche s if
they were relocked. At this point, the sy stem should re-establish handshake
communication, turn on memory shad owing (assuming the standb y is not busied
out), and perform a refresh of the stand by SPE’s memory. These steps can be
monitored by using the status spe command at a terminal connec ted to the
ACTIVE terminal connector. When these steps have been c ompleted, the
standby SPE should have a “function al” state of health and be fully in service.
If all tests pass, but the SPE does not return to service, there may still b e
prob lems o n the s tand by whi ch es cap ed d etect ion b y SPE-do wn tes ting. In thi s
case, use the following step s, which describ e a means of sequentially replacing
circuit packs th at are the most likely source of the problem.
1. First determine if memory shadowing is disabling hand shake. With the
stand by l ocked , bu syout the sta ndb y SPE; thi s prev ents s hado wing f rom
turning on.
2. Bring up the standb y as described above (unlock, unplug the STANDBY
terminal and relock). If the yellow LED on the Processor fails to flash,
follow normal escalation proc edures. After the yellow LED begins flashing ,
unlock and monitor the recover y progress by repeated ly entering status
spe on a terminal connected to the
SPE. If handshake is not
established after 2 minutes, memory shad owing is not the problem.
Proceed to step 4.
3. Release the standby and follow the p rogress of the refresh with status
spe. If the refresh succeeds, the system sho uld be fully functional. If the
onset of shadowing or refresh coinc ides with handshake failure, rep lace
the following circuit p ack one at a time in the order shown and repeat this
procedure from step 1 eac h time. (Use lock-and-p ower-down and
DUP-CHL instructions).
a. Standby DUPINT
b. Standby PKT-INT
c. Sta ndby MSSNET
d. Active DUPINT
If the problem persists, follow nor mal escalation proced ures.
4. If handshake has not come up after 2 minutes, replace each of the
following circuit p acks one at a time, in the order shown, and repeat this
procedure from step 1 eac h time:
a. Stan dby PK T-INT
b. Standby DUPINT