DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Architecture
1-43Facility Interface Codes
9.0N — Unprotected terminal equipment
9.0Y — Totally protected terminal equipment
The product line service c ode is 9.0F indicating it is ter minal equipment with fully
protected premises wire at the private line ports.
Facility Interface Codes
A Facility Interface Code (FIC) is a five-c haracter code (United States only) that
provides the technic al information needed to ord er a specific p ort circuit pac k for
analog private lines, d igital lines, MTS lines, and WATS lines.
Table 1-19 through Table 1-21 list the FICs. Included are service order cod es,
Ringer Equivalency Numbers (RENs), and typ es of network jacks that connec t a
line to a rear panel connector on a carrier.
Table 1-19. Analog Private Line and Trunk Port Circuit Packs
Circuit Pack FIC Service
Order Code Network
TN742 and TN747B Off-Premises
Station Port, and TN746B Off-Premises
Station Port or On-Premises Station port
0L13C 9.0F RJ21X
TN760/B/C/D Tie Trunk TL31M 9.0F RJ2GX
Table 1-20. Digital Trunk Port Circuit Packs
Circuit Pack FIC Service
Order Code Network
TN1654 and TN574 DS1 Converter; TN722B
DS1 Tie trunk; and TN767 and TN464 DS1
04DU9B,C 6.0P RJ48C