DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-380CARR-POW (Carrier Power Supply)
The table below shows which c arriers are protected by each circuit breake r on
the J58890CF-1. The ring generator is protected by a fuse located next to the
main circuit breaker on the front of the unit.
The table below shows which c arriers are protected by each circuit breake r on
the J58890CH-1. The ring generator is protec ted by a fuse located next to the
main circuit breaker on the front of the unit.
Neon Lamp Power
The system can also support n eon message waiting lamp s on analog
telephones. Any carrier c ontaining a TN769 Neon Analog Line c ircuit packs must
also be supplied with 150 Volts from a TN755B power supply circu it pack. See
the table above for other sup ported neon power c ircuit packs.
Breaker Associated Carriers
CB1 Carrier A, both sides
CB2 Carrier B, both sides
CB3 Carrier C, b oth sides
CB4 Carrier D, b oth sides
CB5 Carrier E, both side s
CB6 Level F (Fans) and Level G (Ring Gene rator)
Breaker Associated Carriers
CB1 Carrier A, both sides
CB2 Carrier B, both sides
CB3 Carrier C, b oth sides
CB4 Carrier D, b oth sides
CB5 Carrier E, both side s
CB6 Level F (Fans) and Level G (Ring Gene rator)