DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-302BRI-BD/LGATE-BD (ISDN-BRI Line Circuit Pack)
the Maintenance documentatio n for recommended repair p rocedures. The
probability of this error b eing related to Packet bus p roblems increases
with the number of ISDN-BRI circuit packs displaying this error.
If the Packet Bus is not alarmed, reset the c ircuit pack via the busyout
board UUCSS and reset board UUCSS command s. If the Circuit Pack
Restart Test (#594) passes, then the on-board circuitry is h ealthy. Retire
the alarm via the test board UUCSS long clear command . If the Circuit
Pack Restart Test (#594) fails, replace the circuit pac k. If the problem
persists after complying with the above instructions, th en follow normal
escalation proced ures.
l. These errors are not service-affecting. No ac tion is required. These errors
are reported by the c ircuit pack when it rec eives a bad control c hannel
message from the switch. The auxiliary data identifies the following error
m. This error is not service-affecting. No action is req uired.
n. This error indicates that the circuit pack sent a large numb er of control
channel messages to the switc h in a short period of time.
4096 Bad major heading
4097 Bad port number
4098 Bad data
4099 Bad sub-qualifier
4100 State inconsistency
4101 Inconsistent downlink messag e
3843 Bad translation RAM detec ted, but call c ontinues by using
another translation location.
3999 If error type 1538 is also p resent, then the circuit p ack was
taken out-of-service due to hyp eractivity.
If error type 1538 was not present, then the ci rcuit pack has
not been taken out-of-service, b ut has generated 50% of the
messages necessary to b e considered hyp eractive. This
may be normal during he avy traffic periods. If t raffic is light it
may indicate a prob lem with the circuit pac k or the
equipment attached to it.