DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
of service) means that users cannot ac cess the device b ut background an d
demand testing c an run.
a. Error type 1 means that the device is out of serv ice as a result of
maintenance tests detect ing a critical failure of the tap e drive.
b. Error type 18 means that the Tape was busied out on demand from the
System Access Terminal.
c. Error type 250 means that the Reset Test (#809 or #894) failed.
d. Error type 257 means that the device c ould not be acc essed.
e. Error type 513 means that on-board tape d rive diagnostics te sts
requested by the Tape Diagnostic Test (#813) failed.
f. Error type 526 means that the Host Adapter was b usied out. This also
causes the Tape to be busied out.
g. Error type 529 means that there was a failure to put the tap e in service or
to take it out of service.
h. Error type 769 means that the tape Loop-around Test (#814) failed.
i. Error type 1025 means that a tape medium error was d etected when the
tape was read or written. The tape c artridge should b e replaced if this
error continues to be reported .
j. Error type 1281 indicates that a hardware failu re condition was detecte d
by the Firmware Error Counters Read and Clear Test (#812). See the
Error Actions
table at the end of the secti on on TAPE.
k. Error type 1537 indicates that the tap e cartridge is write p rotected. Check
the RECORD switch on the tape cartridge. It should be pushed forward in
the direction shown by the arrow on the s witch.
l. Error type 1793 is an in-line error from the tape control software that
indicates there was a prob lem with the SCSI Bus Access Failure or
Memory Access Failure between the Host Ad apter circuit p ack and the
Tape circuit pack. See the
MSS Error Acti ons
table at the end of the
section on TAPE.
m. Error type 2049 indicates that a b ad command was sent to the tap e drive.
This may be caused by a software error or a hard ware failure. Execute the
test tape long command and fix any fai lures associated with those tests.
n. Error type 2305 means that the tape has exceed ed 90% of the
manufacturer’s recommended limit of accesses. The tape should be
replaced as soon as p ractical. This alarm can b e retired by issuing the
reset tape command but it will reap pear each time the Tape Firmware
Counter Test (#812) is run.
o. Error type 2306 means that a block has b een reassigned on the tape or an
attempt to reassign a bloc k has failed. The tape should b e replaced as
soon as practical.