DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1458SNI-BD (SNI Circuit Pack)
102 FAIL The SNI circuit pack cannot communicate with the equipped SNI in slot 2.
1. Perform the Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure described in Chapter 5. This
will resolve multiple SNI-PEER errors.
2. If the SNI being tested has SNI-PEER error type 1, replace the SNI being
tested. Replacing an SNI may be service interrupting. Refer to the SNI-BD
section for the procedure for replacing an SNI. To view SNI-PEER errors,
use the display errors command with category PNC-PEER. Retry the
3. If th e SNI bei ng test ed has SN I-PEER error t ype 1, re place the SNI in slot 2.
Repla cing an SNI may be serv ice interrupting. Re fer to the SN I-BD section
for the procedure for replacing an SNI. Retry the command.
103 FAIL The SNI circuit pack cannot communicate with the equipped SNI in slot 3.
1. Perform the Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure described in Chapter 5. This
will resolve multiple SNI-PEER errors.
2. If the SNI being tested has SNI-PEER err or type 257, replace the S NI being
tested. Replacing an SNI may be service interrupting. Refer to the SNI-BD
section for the procedure for replacing an SNI. To view SNI-PEER errors,
use the display errors command with category PNC-PEER. Retry the
3. If the SNI being tested has SNI-PEER err or type 257, replace the SNI in slo t
3. Replacing an SNI may be service interrupting. Refer to the SNI-BD
section for the procedure for replacing an SNI. Retry the command.
104 FAIL The SNI circuit pack cannot communicate with the equipped SNI in slot 4.
1. Perform the Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure described in Chapter 5. This
will resolve multiple SNI-PEER errors.
2. If the SNI being tested has SNI-PEER err or type 513, replace the S NI being
tested. Replacing an SNI may be service interrupting. Refer to the SNI-BD
section for the procedure for replacing an SNI. To view SNI-PEER errors,
use the display errors command with category PNC-PEER. Retry the
3. If the SNI being tested has SNI-PEER err or type 513, replace the SNI in slo t
4. Replacing an SNI may be service interrupting. Refer to the SNI-BD
section for the procedure for replacing an SNI. Retry the command.
Table 9-562. TEST #759 Configuration Audit — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page