DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-276status health
SPE Power Current source of power to the PPN
comm erci alThe SPE is curr ently powe red b y the n ormal exter nal
power source.
backupThe SPE is currently powered by the backup batteries . This is
usually due to a failure of the external power s ource.
Time Source The current source of timing sig nals used for system synchronization
For systems with a Stratum 3 clock:
externalNormal operating condition
internalAnother source besid es the Stratum 3 clock, such as a
Tone-Clock circuit pack, is provid ing the master timing sig nal.
For systems with Stratum 4 timing:
primaryThe primary admini stered timing source
secondaryThe second ary administered timing s ource
localAnother source besid es the administered ones, suc h as a
Tone-Clock circuit pack, is provid ing the master timing sig nal.
# Logins Number of current users
Cab Cabinet number
Cabinet numbers can b e related to port network numb ers with the list
cabinet command.
Emerg Trans The cu rrent setti ng of t he swi tche s on th e SYSAM an d EPN Ma inten ance
circuit pac ks that control Emergency Transfer
See EMG- XFER in Chapter 9. Fo r a PPN c abin et with dup lica ted SPEs ,
settings for both SYSAM circuit pac ks are displayed; auto is then
abbreviated to a, and off to of. If the Emergency Transfer switch
setti ng on a stand by SYSA M is c hang ed whi le handshake is d own, this
field will display the p rior value until handshake is restored .
auto - Emergency Transfer is under system control and is not
currently activated (norm al operating state).
auto + Emergency Transfer is under system control and is in effec t.
on Emergency Transfer has been manually activated. This setting
should only be in effect during an emergenc y.
offEmergency Transfer is manually prevented from occ urring. This
setting should only be in effect when a technician is on site.
n.a.The setting of the switch in this EPN is not available to the
switch. The Expansion Archangel Link may b e down.
Mj, Mn, Wn Number of Major, Minor or Warning alarms assoc iated with the cabinet
An asterisk indicates that the numb er exceeds 99.