DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-717DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
Table 9-278. TEST #875 Remote SPE Error Interrupt Test
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1321 ABORT The faceplate switches on the Duplication Interface circuit packs are not set to
1. If the switches are loc ked because you are using a replacement
procedure, continue with this procedure to the step that directs you to
unlock the active SPE by moving both switches to auto. The next step
using the test duplication-interface long clear should not abort with this
error code.
2. If the switches are locked and a replacement procedure is not being used,
start with ste p 6 of th e SPE Dupli catio n Channe l Compo nent Rep lacem ent
procedure for the standby Duplication Interface Circ uit pack at the end of
this DUP-CHL section to avoid a n undesired interchang e when unlocking
the active SPE.
3. If this same abort is received with both switches in auto, Replace
Duplication Interface components starting with the standby Duplic ation
Inter face c ircuit pack. Use SPE Dup licati on Chan nel Comp onent
Replacement procedures at the end of this DUP-CHL section. In addition
to looking for failures, also check for the absence of this 1321 abort code
when testing after the procedure directs setting the switches to auto after
a component replacement.
1322 ABORT Memory shadowing is off, but not inhibited by the standby SPE.
1. Shadowing may not be turned on yet, so use release spe-standby if the
standby is busied out, wait 5 minutes and run the test again. If the long
duplication-in terface demand test was b eing used, investigat e any failure
or abort from test #872 because this test is expected to turn on
2. Rerun the test; if the same 1322 abort occurs again, use the display
alarms command and select Category spe. If any mainte nance objects
other than DUPINT or DUP-CHL have MAJOR alarms, fix these problems.
Problems causing MAJOR alarms for MEM-BD, PKT-INT, SYSAM,
H-ADAPTR, and SW-CTL should be repaired first.
3. Rerun the test; if the same 1322 abort occurs again, look for other DUPINT
or DUP-CHL test failures by using th e busyout spe-standby if not already
busied out and the test duplication-interface long clear commands. Fix
these problems acc ording to the service d ocumentation for these pac ks.
4. If this abort continues to occur, the standby SPE may not have initialized
properly. Use the lock-and-power-down procedure desc ribed in Chapter 5
to power down and power up the standby SPE, but don’t replace any
circuit packs.
Continued on next page