DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
LED Interpretation
7-3Circuit Pack LEDs
Circuit Pack LEDs
Each circuit pack typically has three LEDs on the front panel visib le at the front of
the carrier, there are some exception s to this (for example DS1CONV circuit
pack) that are covered later in this section. On most circ uit packs, the LEDs
indicate the following when l it. Exceptions to these indic ations are explained in
subsequent sections.

LED Alarms without Alarm Log Entry or with

Error Type 1

Whenever the system or a part of the system is reset, all affecte d circuit pac ks
will briefly light their red and green LEDs as they are initialized. Upon power-up of
a newly installed system, several alarm ind icators may remain lit until the c ircuit
packs are administered . These alarms should be ignored until administration is
During routine or demand testin g of Mass Storage System components, the red ,
green and yellow LEDs on the MSSNET, TAPE, and DISK circuit packs all li ght
temporarily. This is normal and does not indic ate a problem.
After a circuit pac k has been initialized, a lit red LED should be acc ompanied by
an alarm in the Alarm Log. A singl e fault can sometimes light alarm LEDs on
several circuit pac ks, as in the following exampl es.
A TDM bus problem may c ause several port circ uit packs to d isplay red
An EPN Maintenance circuit pack can prevent an Expansion Interfac e
circuit pack from in itializing.
Extensive interactions in the Center Stage Switch can c ause multiple
alarms from single faults in DS1C, SNI and SNC circuit pac ks and fiber
Tone/clock problems may cause other c ircuit packs to rep ort alarms.
Red Alarm The system has detected a fault in this c ircuit pac k.
The Alarm Log should contain an on-b oard alarm for
this circuit pac k or one of the maintenance objec ts
associated with it. The red LED is also lit b riefly when a
circuit pack is inserted or reset. If the circuit p ack
passes its initialization tests, the LED is exting uished. If
a fault is detected, it rem ains lit.
Green Testing The system is currently running tests on this c ircuit
pack as part of b ackground mainten ance or demand
testing. This LED is also lit briefly during initialization
tests when a circuit pac k is inserted or reset.
Yellow Busy The circuit pack is c urrently in use by the system.