DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-99display initcauses
The following display shows a typ ical result when dis init is entered.
Cause mon: A restart was initiated from the system monitor (not availab le to craft
Sanity Timer Reset: The sanity timer on the processor timed out and reset
the system. This usually indicates corrup ted software.
Scheduled Interchange: An interchange was per formed as part of
scheduled d aily maintenance.
Software Request: System software detected problems and executed a
restart to recover.
SPE-Select Lead Change: On sy stems with d upli cate d SPEs, th e SPE
select lead chang ed and reset the proc essor.
SPE-Select Switch: The SPE s elect switc hes o n the D UPINT c ircu it pac ks
were manually set to lock the standb y SPE active, causing a spontaneous
interchange. This is not a recommend ed proced ure.
Unknown: The restart could not be classified. The Error Log may contain
more information about the restart.
Upgrade Software: The indicated SPE was reset as part of the execution of
the upgrade software c ommand. If this preced es a Software Requested
level 2 reset, both are prob ably associated and indicate a non-call
preserving upg rade took place.
Action The level of recovery performed by the system.
1 Reset system 1 (Warm)
2 Reset system 2 (Cold-2)
3 Reset system 3 (Cold-1)
4 Reset system 4 (Reboot)
5 Reset system 5 (Extended Reboot)
Planne d SPE Inte rcha nge ( reque sted by reset system c ommand or
scheduled maintenanc e)
Escalated Whether the restart was escalated to a highe r level than originally
attempted. The system’s software escalation strategy can perform a hig her
level restart than the one initiated if prob lems prevent or conditions interf ere
with normal execution.
Carrier The carrier (always A in a simplex system) on whi ch the restart took place. If
an interchange took plac e, this indicates the ca rrier of the newly active SPE
that was switched into.
Time The month, day and time of the restart.